"If we ride the crest of the wave and not
get pulled into the undertow of doom, gloom and fear,
we will come out of it very well"
(Star Family)
Being the Self of Choice in a World of Choice
Through Raising our Frequency
Hello, and welcome to my site. I appreciate your visit.
This site is and will be focused on the unprecedented shift of Consciousness that is taking place as humanity awakens. Being who we choose to be, aware that our experiences of life are of the expression of our consciousness.
Each of us is a unique expression of the Source, of the whole. The part of our Higher Self that incarnates into the physical forgets who we are as part of the chosen process of development and expansion.
As we awaken we become aware of the state of polarity and free will choice in which we exist that has enabled us to know what we want through the experiences of what we don't want, who we are through who we are not - individually and collectively.
Awakening Consciousness enables us to become aware of our fear based programming of thousands of generations, that overlay layer by layer the natural joy, exuberance and positive expectation of our self.
The programming and conditioning of the ego, took place over thousands of years by those that wanted to control and dominate through fear, including fear of death. On another level, it was our purposeful choice. Conditioned self limiting beliefs create an inner sense of separation that can manifest in negative expectations, addictions, anger, fear, judging ourselves as flawed, 'less than', not worthy, not good enough, not deserving, powerless. It may not feel safe to be our 'self' and believe we must be what others (god) expect us to be. We must atone, because our 'self' is somehow not acceptable, lovable. We have come to "believe" that we are nothing and must become 'something' when we are already everything. Self dislike can become self hatred.
Self judgement can become judgement of others, Self hatred can become hatred of others. Differences perceived as divisions which can escalate into aggressive and destructive (programmed) behaviour, including war.
Us and Them
The divisive perceptions can include nature, race, culture, religion, age, gender, sexual expression. Also, politics, society and even sport.
Yet, this is the motivation toward self knowing and expansion. Expansion of all of creation, of our guides, light beings and so expansion of the Creator.
Our programming is transmuted and integrated through Kindness, Compassion, Love. Love has many levels which merge and integrate as we develop or awaken. Love can overcome all negativity.
Pure Love is our highest aim.
For each incarnation a body type is chosen, which includes gender, a racial and cultural heritage. As we awaken we can transform the lead of the past on both a personal and collective level into gold, and the experience, wisdom and knowledge gained merges with our 'self' / soul, enabling an expansion of consciousness.
As our programmed self (ego) transforms, becomes free, it no longer 'feeds' the imposed system, which therefore also transforms allowing for equality, truth, choice.
It is the path from fear to love.
Unity Consciousness
The union of the non physical and physical
When you change the way you look at things
The things you look at change
Dr.Wayne Dyer
(Thank you 123RF for the images)
get pulled into the undertow of doom, gloom and fear,
we will come out of it very well"
(Star Family)
Being the Self of Choice in a World of Choice
Through Raising our Frequency
Hello, and welcome to my site. I appreciate your visit.
This site is and will be focused on the unprecedented shift of Consciousness that is taking place as humanity awakens. Being who we choose to be, aware that our experiences of life are of the expression of our consciousness.
Each of us is a unique expression of the Source, of the whole. The part of our Higher Self that incarnates into the physical forgets who we are as part of the chosen process of development and expansion.
As we awaken we become aware of the state of polarity and free will choice in which we exist that has enabled us to know what we want through the experiences of what we don't want, who we are through who we are not - individually and collectively.
Awakening Consciousness enables us to become aware of our fear based programming of thousands of generations, that overlay layer by layer the natural joy, exuberance and positive expectation of our self.
The programming and conditioning of the ego, took place over thousands of years by those that wanted to control and dominate through fear, including fear of death. On another level, it was our purposeful choice. Conditioned self limiting beliefs create an inner sense of separation that can manifest in negative expectations, addictions, anger, fear, judging ourselves as flawed, 'less than', not worthy, not good enough, not deserving, powerless. It may not feel safe to be our 'self' and believe we must be what others (god) expect us to be. We must atone, because our 'self' is somehow not acceptable, lovable. We have come to "believe" that we are nothing and must become 'something' when we are already everything. Self dislike can become self hatred.
Self judgement can become judgement of others, Self hatred can become hatred of others. Differences perceived as divisions which can escalate into aggressive and destructive (programmed) behaviour, including war.
Us and Them
The divisive perceptions can include nature, race, culture, religion, age, gender, sexual expression. Also, politics, society and even sport.
Yet, this is the motivation toward self knowing and expansion. Expansion of all of creation, of our guides, light beings and so expansion of the Creator.
Our programming is transmuted and integrated through Kindness, Compassion, Love. Love has many levels which merge and integrate as we develop or awaken. Love can overcome all negativity.
Pure Love is our highest aim.
For each incarnation a body type is chosen, which includes gender, a racial and cultural heritage. As we awaken we can transform the lead of the past on both a personal and collective level into gold, and the experience, wisdom and knowledge gained merges with our 'self' / soul, enabling an expansion of consciousness.
As our programmed self (ego) transforms, becomes free, it no longer 'feeds' the imposed system, which therefore also transforms allowing for equality, truth, choice.
It is the path from fear to love.
Unity Consciousness
The union of the non physical and physical
When you change the way you look at things
The things you look at change
Dr.Wayne Dyer
(Thank you 123RF for the images)