"You are a unique, individual
Expression of the Source
Loved infinitely and immeasurably"
Being the Self of Choice in a World of Choice Through Raising our Frequency
Density is of a level of consciousness and dimension is the reality we create and are of in relation to our consciousness. Our consciousness has expanded to a point where we are ready to ascend. This means we can, if we choose, transition into the next density and create a new reality or dimension. Though we are not 'moving' anywhere. Our frequency is changing, we are choosing to exist in and of a higher frequency.
It is not something that is happening to us. Instead, we are co-creating with our higher selves, soul family, and each other. Choosing Love. Being Love.
All of life, or creation, is cyclical. The seasons are the most obvious example and the orbits of the planets, including Earth. Each cycle brings an opportunity to raise our frequency by becoming more conscious and aware of ourselves and how we create aspects of our lives or experiences through our fear-based conditioning. The solar return is a perfect example. It is the point when, from an astrological perspective, the Sun returns to the place it occupied at our birth, and it brings a new cycle of opportunities for each year of our lives.
At this time there is a culmination of major galactic cycles which includes where our solar system (us) is in relation to the Centre of the Galaxy. These are of many thousands of years in the making. It is the convergence of these cycles that makes this Ascension possible, and gives us an unprecedented period of opportunity for spiritual growth.
The New Human is born through Ascension.
Fear serves a purpose, it enables us to have free will choice. The law of energy, which is of physics - karma - means we are energy magnets, so choices made from fear cause us to create or attract fear based experiences and lives. Heart based choice is both empowering and powerful.
Each of us is a unique expression of Source. Source is Love. Love can overcome all negativity. Through many incarnations on the physical plane, our programming and conditioning formed our programmed self. And that programmed self became a saboteur, creating a sense of division between fear and love or true 'self'.
As we awaken to the truth of ourselves, we become conscious of 'self' and that we have free choice, and it is with the help of our soul family that we transmute through love our fearful perceptions and beliefs.
Our Consciousness Expands.
The outer world is a reflection of our inner world, which means we don't all experience each other and the world identically. Each of us is a master co-creator, creating our own lives and experiences through intention day by day. So, how do we change the creations we don't enjoy or prefer?
First we need to become aware of our own part in such creations. We need to let go of blame (of ourselves as well as others) and recognise conditioning, inner beliefs and thoughts that lead us to repeat difficult patterns and experiences. Do you ever think, “I'm not good enough, useless, the wrong gender, race or religion, not worthy, deserving or acceptable, have to suffer, strive, can't have the life I want, can't change my life, everything happens to me?”
All such beliefs are of the collective programming passed down through thousands of generations, and of other life expressions and can manifest in self destructive anger, fear or depression. They are not the truth of who we are, though if we deal with them, they can help us become more of who we are. They can help us expand.
It is by understanding the divisive role that our programmed self plays, transforming the false programming through love that we raise our vibration and “Ascend”. Which includes'remembering' who we are, that we are both 'one' and 'all', including our Soul connection with Mother Earth. And this becomes easier when we become aware of our fear patterns, because when fear is brought into the light of conscious awareness it loses its potency.
Transmutation through love includes (with the help of guides.) the programming of those who have died that have not yet let go of their limiting beliefs and remain in a multidimensional frequency with others in the same 'state'.
Unity Conscousness
Expression of the Source
Loved infinitely and immeasurably"
Being the Self of Choice in a World of Choice Through Raising our Frequency
Density is of a level of consciousness and dimension is the reality we create and are of in relation to our consciousness. Our consciousness has expanded to a point where we are ready to ascend. This means we can, if we choose, transition into the next density and create a new reality or dimension. Though we are not 'moving' anywhere. Our frequency is changing, we are choosing to exist in and of a higher frequency.
It is not something that is happening to us. Instead, we are co-creating with our higher selves, soul family, and each other. Choosing Love. Being Love.
All of life, or creation, is cyclical. The seasons are the most obvious example and the orbits of the planets, including Earth. Each cycle brings an opportunity to raise our frequency by becoming more conscious and aware of ourselves and how we create aspects of our lives or experiences through our fear-based conditioning. The solar return is a perfect example. It is the point when, from an astrological perspective, the Sun returns to the place it occupied at our birth, and it brings a new cycle of opportunities for each year of our lives.
At this time there is a culmination of major galactic cycles which includes where our solar system (us) is in relation to the Centre of the Galaxy. These are of many thousands of years in the making. It is the convergence of these cycles that makes this Ascension possible, and gives us an unprecedented period of opportunity for spiritual growth.
The New Human is born through Ascension.
Fear serves a purpose, it enables us to have free will choice. The law of energy, which is of physics - karma - means we are energy magnets, so choices made from fear cause us to create or attract fear based experiences and lives. Heart based choice is both empowering and powerful.
Each of us is a unique expression of Source. Source is Love. Love can overcome all negativity. Through many incarnations on the physical plane, our programming and conditioning formed our programmed self. And that programmed self became a saboteur, creating a sense of division between fear and love or true 'self'.
As we awaken to the truth of ourselves, we become conscious of 'self' and that we have free choice, and it is with the help of our soul family that we transmute through love our fearful perceptions and beliefs.
Our Consciousness Expands.
The outer world is a reflection of our inner world, which means we don't all experience each other and the world identically. Each of us is a master co-creator, creating our own lives and experiences through intention day by day. So, how do we change the creations we don't enjoy or prefer?
First we need to become aware of our own part in such creations. We need to let go of blame (of ourselves as well as others) and recognise conditioning, inner beliefs and thoughts that lead us to repeat difficult patterns and experiences. Do you ever think, “I'm not good enough, useless, the wrong gender, race or religion, not worthy, deserving or acceptable, have to suffer, strive, can't have the life I want, can't change my life, everything happens to me?”
All such beliefs are of the collective programming passed down through thousands of generations, and of other life expressions and can manifest in self destructive anger, fear or depression. They are not the truth of who we are, though if we deal with them, they can help us become more of who we are. They can help us expand.
It is by understanding the divisive role that our programmed self plays, transforming the false programming through love that we raise our vibration and “Ascend”. Which includes'remembering' who we are, that we are both 'one' and 'all', including our Soul connection with Mother Earth. And this becomes easier when we become aware of our fear patterns, because when fear is brought into the light of conscious awareness it loses its potency.
Transmutation through love includes (with the help of guides.) the programming of those who have died that have not yet let go of their limiting beliefs and remain in a multidimensional frequency with others in the same 'state'.
Unity Conscousness